I fought to get an interview at a bar and finally got called back for an interview. I started applying to any job I could find and now had started to apply to bars. Three months later, I was still jobless and having panic attacks almost daily while lying on the yoga mat at the gym. I had just finished my MBA and thought naively that with my credentials, I’d find a job without a blink. Long story short, I took this opportunity to move to the mountains and start fresh. I worked in a department of three people closely connected with the university President, so when I was let go, it was a surprise. My department closed suddenly at the university I was working at. While I know most people reading this have what I would call normal jobs, I hope that my story might help you see things in a new light, or at least see your normal light with a little more color. And what this crazy industry has instilled in me that will never ever go away. What I really want to share is what I’ve learned from spending almost four years in the industry, what I’m still learning. I went from working in finance, tech startups, universities, to managing one of the oldest and largest LGBTQ nightclubs in the country. In my comfort zone, if that’s event possible. I guess my story is one that started where I was most familiar. Today we’d like to introduce you to Isaac Domingue.